Monday, January 26, 2009

Did we land on the moon?

Well, well, well. I was quite taken aback when I learned that there are a few people who believe that man never set foot on the moon. And that America, in order to establish her superiority, fooled the whole world. The evidence provided by these conspiracy theorists (shown in this 43 minutes long documentary of which I have posted the first part) seemed so concrete that I was quite convinced. :-D

Some of the arguments presented by the theorists were proven wrong by the Mythbusters (Those episodes are available on YouTube too).


Restive Mind said...

ep.. I too have heard of the theory..They tell that it was altogether cleverly shot in Antarctica.. The flag is not supposed to flutter as there wd b no wind on the moon! Dont know wat to believe.. But even I was taken aback like u were when I came to know about this.. It s not just for the sake of the fact, it was/would have been a great step for the humanity as such!

Abdullah Shahid said...

Yeah, it was like a big 'dhajka'. lol. And if this moon landing is really fake, it could easily be regarded as the biggest accepted lie in the history of mankind.