Friday, February 1, 2008

Right and wrong

"Give me a sacred verse, and I can prove both divine will and biological evolution wrong and right. Or give me one of our founder's speeches, and I can prove he was a believer and a kafir."

Uzma Aslam Khan, The Geometry of God

Now some people have really got that ability. Through twists and turns and verbal artistry they can make you believe what THEY want. On the other hand some things are really ambiguous and can be interpreted in both ways lets say the religious scripture. The way we are brought up, we are made to see things from one angle only. Like 'This is right and you have to follow this.' While spending a little time thinking, a number of meanings can be made out. What meaning a person deduces depends on his thinking boundaries and his own benefits. A teacher of mine used to say 'Quran is like a tree; a fruit-seller will look at it for its fruit, a carpenter values its timber, a gardener is concerced with its aesthetic aspect and a scientist will consider its biological processes.' While the same tree can be a hurdle in someones way, lets say for constructing something or to get some sunlight.
Experiencing the extempore style of debates, I found that an equal number of logics and arguments can be brought up in favour of and against the motion. And that really opens your mind up and compels you to think from other points of view. Half of the times you have to prove a point in which you, yourself do not believe and that is when you realise, 'O, I never thought of it like that before.' Now that makes me think that is there no such thing as ABSOLUTE TRUTH? Can nothing be said with absolute certainty? And in the first place does absolute truth really exists?

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