Monday, November 12, 2007

Melody Queen

I have to be intensely involved with a man, otherwise I cannot sing. My music abandons me.

Noor Jahan.

This universe has only one earth and it had only one Noor Jahan. Listening to her, sometimes I go to heaven and then come back. And its not just listening; seeing her sing the songs is a rare treat too. Its like I cave in totally and she takes me to the depths, the ups and downs of the songs, I travel with her and then she drops me off at my place. Ive never seen such beauty, voice and brains all in one. There are a very few people who become a legend when they are alive. Madam had some special blessings.

Receiving the goddess on their land again after 35 years, this is what the Indians had to say to her:


Awais Aftab said...

...I have to be intensely involved with a man, otherwise I cannot sing. My music abandons me...

No wonder people with great artistic and creative achievements lead such emotionally unstable lives. :)

anon said...

Good topic........keep it up!!!