Saturday, November 22, 2008

To Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, with love

I always wondered why we lack scientific minds. A part of the answer might be that because of what we do to the very few such people that we have. We hand over our neuro-scientists to America and we lock up our nuclear scientists. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan is an asset. People say that he should have been made the president of the country. But I think that he should have been allowed to continue research work. He should have been allowed to establish universities, attract students to this his field and deliver lectures throughout the universities in the country. He should have been allowed to transfer his knowledge to the relevant people and to create minds like his. He should have been awarded with money and all the facilities that our non deserving ministers get to receive.

Even if he were involved in any nuclear trafficking, he should have been defended because he is OUR OWN. Being a Pakistani the government should have tried to cover up his faults and mistakes if there were any. As regard the accusations of other countries, if the government was not able to deny them straight forwardly, it could have handled the situation in a political and diplomatic manner. Like giving statements that 'we condemn it and we will conduct a trial' and actually not doing it or something like that.

Dear Dr. Khan,

Please forgive us, for what we did to you. Our heads are bowed and we are ashamed. We are just not aware or may be we are just too selfish. May Allah give you courage and health and make you able to produce like-minds and do more for the country.

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