Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ud kothay utton kanwa

Well I'm not any Saima or Saira Naseem nor is this crow sitting on the kotha exactly but I still want it gone. I tried singing the song too but like in the movie, it kept on sitting till the end. It is sitting just outside my neighbour's upper storey window pane, a few meters from me. I can see and hear him clearly from my window. This crow caught my attention because he is in love. He sits at the same place for hours and caws. He caws when I am eating biscuits, when I am surfing the net, when I am just trying to relax and when I am trying to memorize the early and late changes after death. What attracts him there is his beloved. And he has every reason to come there daily because his beloved is very docile and does everything that he does. She caws when he does, she flaps her wings when he does; she is his own reflection in the mirror, literally. This stupid, stupid crow sits in front of the window pane, sees his own reflection and keeps on cawing. This makes him happy and me want to kill it. He has developed a long term memory and never forgets her. Far away, I can hear the screams of some eagle too but the eagle is just wasting time flying around. 'The eagle never lost so much time, as when he submitted to learn of the crow.' William Blake
I wish humans had a lesson from the crow too.

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